Bibliography for History, Research, Theory and Pedagogy of RMI and RMA

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Note to the Reader: Categories overlap. Many edited books have articles that fit under other categories. Some of our favorite references are out of print and we list them because you may be able to find them in libraries or as used copies for sale. When an article or book is focused on a specific group, the group is identified in parenthesis following the reference (secondary/adult, elementary, early years, second language learning).


Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA)

Almazroui, K. (2007). Learning together through retrospective miscue analysis: Salem’s case study. Reading Improvement, 44(3), 153-168.

Costello, S. (1996). Building confidence in a proficient reader. In Y. Goodman & A. Marek (Eds.), Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading (pp.131-141). Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Costello, S. (1996). A teacher/ researcher uses RMA. In Y. Goodman & A. Marek (Eds.), Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading (pp.165-175). Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Flurkey, A., & Goodman, Y. (2000). Andrew, stuck in words: A retrospective miscue analysis case   study in revaluing. In L. Denti & P. Cousin (Eds.), New ways of looking at learning disabilities (pp. 129-149). Denver, CO: Love Publishing.

Goodman, Y. (1996). Revaluing readers while readers revalue themselves: Retrospective miscue analysis. The Reading Teacher, 49(8), 600-609.

Goodman, Y., & Marek, A. (1996). Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading. Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Goodman, Y., Martens, P., Flurkey, A., & Bacon, H. (2008).  Retrospective miscue analysis: Helping readers revalue reading [Online discussion]. Retrieved from

Goodman, Y., & Paulson, E. (2000). Teachers and students developing language about reading through retrospective miscue analysis. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED444140)

Kim, M. (2010). Adult ESL Korean readers' responses about their reading in L1 Korean and L2 English (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3402930) (secondary and adult readers)

Marek, A. (1996). An accomplished professional: A reader in trouble. In Y. Goodman & A. Marek (Eds.), Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading (pp.51-70). Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers. (secondary and adult readers)

Martens, P. (1998). Using retrospective miscue analysis to inquire: Learning from Michael. The Reading Teacher, 52(2), 176-180. (early years)

Martens, P. (2007).  The impact of high-stakes assessments on the beliefs about reading, perceptions of self as reader, and reading proficiency on two urban students retained in third grade. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 1(1), 48-64. 

Martens, P., & Arya, P. (2004). Strengthening literate identities through retrospective miscue analysis: The process of revaluing readers and reading. Thinking Classroom: An International Journal of Reading, Writing and Critical Reflection, 5(3), 23-29.

Moore, R., & Gilles, C. (2008). Reading conversations: Retrospective miscue analysis with struggling readers, grades 4-12. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Moore, R., & Seeger, V. (2009). Building classroom reading communities: Retrospective miscue analysis and socratic circles. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Theurer, J. (2002). The power of retrospective miscue analysis: One preservice teacher's journey as she reconsiders the reading process. Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 2(1). Retrieved from (secondary and adult learners)

Watson, D. (1978). Reader selected miscues: Getting more from sustained silent reading. English Education, 10(2), 75-85.

Watson, D. (2011). Where do we go from here?: From miscues to strategies. In R. Meyer & K. Whitmore (Eds.), Reclaiming reading: Teachers, students, and researchers regaining spaces for thinking and action (pp. 67-77). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Watson, D., & Hoge, S. (1996). Reader selected miscues. In Y. Goodman & A. Marek (Eds.), Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading (pp.157-164). Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Weatherill, D. (1996). Revealing strategies for a good reader: Lucas, a reader and his reading. In Y. Goodman & A. Marek (Eds.), Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading (pp. 143-147). Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Wilson, J. (2005). Interrupting the failure cycle: Revaluing two seventh-grade struggling readers. Voices from the Middle, 12(4), 25-30.

Woodley, J., & Miller, L. (1983). Retrospective miscue analysis: Procedures for research and instruction [Monograph]. Research on Reading in Secondary Schools Series,10-11,Tucson, AZ.

Worsnop, C. (1980). A procedure for using the technique of the reading miscue inventory as a remedial teaching tool with adolescents. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED324644)

Worsnop, C. (1996). The beginnings of retrospective miscue analysis. In Y. Goodman & A. Marek (Eds.), Retrospective miscue analysis: Revaluing readers and reading (pp. 151-156).  Katonah NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.


Miscue Analysis (RMI)

Davenport, M. (2002). Miscues not mistakes: Reading assessment in the classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Davenport, M., & Lauritzen, C. (2002). Inviting reflection on reading through over the shoulder miscue analysis. Language Arts, 80(2), 109-118.

Duckett, P. (2008). Seeing the story for the words: The eye-movements of beginning readers. In A. Flurkey, E. Paulson, & K. Goodman (Eds.), Scientific realism in studies of reading (pp. 113-128). NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (early years)

Flurkey, A. (1995). Taking another look at (Listen to) Shari. Primary Voices, 3(4), 10-15. Retrieved from

Flurkey, A., & Goodman, Y. (2004). The role of genre in a text: Reading through the waterworks. Language Arts, 81(3), 233-244.

Goodman, K. (1973/2003). Miscues: Windows on the reading process. In K. Goodman (Ed.), Miscue Analysis: Applications to reading instruction (pp. 3-14). Urbana, IL: Eric Clearing House on Reading and Communication Skills. Also in A. Flurkey & J. Xu (Eds.), On the revolution of reading: The selected writings of Kenneth S. Goodman (pp. 107-116).

Goodman, Y. (1974). I never read such a long story before. The English Journal, 63(8), 65-71.

Goodman, Y. (1995). Miscue analysis for classroom teachers: Some history and some procedures. Primary Voices K-6, 3(4), 2-9. Retrieved from

Goodman, Y., Watson, D., & Burke, C. (2005). Reading miscue inventory: From evaluation to instruction. Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Martens, P. (1995). Reflections. Primary Voices, 3(4), 39-42. Retrieved from

Martens, P., Goodman, Y., & Flurkey, A. (1995). A message from the issue editors. Primary Voices, 3(4), 1. Retrieved from

Martens, P., Goodman, Y., & Flurkey, A. (1995). Miscue analysis for classroom teachers. Primary Voices, 3(4). Retrieved from

Wilde, S. (2000). Miscue analysis made easy: Building on student strengths. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Theory and Research About the Reading Process

Altwerger, B. (2005). Reading for profit: How the bottom line leaves kids behind. Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.

Altwerger, B., Jordan, N., & Shelton, N. (2007). Rereading fluency: Process, practice, and policy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Anders, P. (2011). Defying convention, inventing the future in literacy research and practice. New York: Routledge.

Arya, P., & Feathers, K. (2012). Reconsidering children's readings: Insights into the reading process. Reading Psychology, 33(4), 301-322.

Barnes, D. (1995). From communication to curriculum. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.

Bloome, D., Dail, A., & Rochelle, K. (1997). Toward (re)defining miscue analysis: Reading as a social and cultural process. Language Arts, 74(8),10-17.

Brown, J., Goodman, K., & Marek, A. (1996). Studies in miscue analysis: An annotated bibliography. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Duckett, P. (2001). First-grade beginning readers' use of pictures and print as they read: A miscue analysis and eye movement study (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3016465) (early years)

Feathers, K., & Arya, P. (2012). The role of illustrations during children’s reading. Journal of Children’s Literature, 38(1), 36-43.

Feirreiro, E., & A. Teberosky (1982). Literacy before schooling. Exeter, NH: Heinemann Educational Books. (early years)

Flurkey, A. (1997). Reading as flow: A linguistic alternative to fluency (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 9738925)

Flurkey, A. (2002). Time and tide: The dynamic nature of oral reading. Hofstra Horizons, (Spring), 13-18.

Flurkey, A., Paulson, E., & Goodman, K. (Eds.). (2008). Scientific realism in studies of reading. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Freire, P., & Macedo, D. (1987). Literacy: Reading the word & the world. South Hadley, Mass: Bergin & Garvey Publishers.

Goodman, K. (1967/2003/2014). Reading: A psycholinguistic guessing game. Journal of the Reading Specialist, 6(4), 126-135. Also In A. Flurkey & J. Xu (Eds.), On the revolution of reading: The selected writings of Kenneth S. Goodman (pp. 46-58). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Also in K. Goodman, & Y. Goodman. (Eds.), Making sense of learners making sense of written language: The selected works of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman (pp. 103-112). New York, NY: Routledge.

Goodman, K. (1993). Phonics phacts. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Goodman, K. (1996). On reading. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Goodman, K. (2003/2014). Reading, writing, and written texts: A transactional sociopsycholinguistic view. In A. Flurkey & J. Xu (Eds.), On the revolution of reading: The selected writings of Kenneth S. Goodman (pp. 3-45). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Also in K. Goodman, & Y. Goodman. (Eds.), Making sense of learners making sense of written language: The selected works of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman (pp. 43-55). New York, NY: Routledge.

Goodman, K. (2003/2014). Revaluing readers and reading. In A. Flurkey & J. Xu (Eds.), On the revolution of reading: The selected writings of Kenneth S. Goodman (pp. 421-429). Also in K. Goodman, & Y. Goodman. (Eds.), Making sense of learners making sense of written language: The selected works of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman (pp. 189-196). New York, NY: Routledge.

Goodman, K. (2006). The truth about DIBELS: What it is, what it does. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Goodman, K., & Goodman, Y. (2011/2014). Learning to read: A comprehensive model. In R. Meyer, & K. Whitmore, (Eds.), Reclaiming reading: Teachers, students and researchers regaining spaces for thinking and action (pp. 19-41). New York: Taylor & Francis. Also in K. Goodman, & Y. Goodman. (Eds.), Making sense of learners making sense of written language: The selected works of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman (pp. 56-74). New York, NY: Routledge. (early years)

Goodman, K., & Goodman, Y. (2014). Making sense of learners making sense of written language: The selected works of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman. New York, NY: Routledge.

Goodman, K., & Paulson, E. (1998). Influential studies in eye movement research. In Reading Online: the International Reading Association’s Electronic Journal, (December). Retrieved from

Goodman, K., Wang, S., Iventosch, M., & Goodman, Y. (2011). Reading in Asian languages: Making sense of written texts in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. NY: Routledge.

Goodman, Y., & Anders, P. (1999). Listening to Erica read: Perceptions and analyses from six perspectives. In T. Shanahan, F. Rodriguez-Brown, C. Worthman et al. (Eds.), The Forty-eighth yearbook of National Reading Conference (pp. 178-198). Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference, Inc.

Goodman, Y., Goodman, K., & Martens, P. (2002). Text matters:  Readers who learn with decodable texts. In D. Schallert, C. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, B. Maloch, & J. Hoffman (Eds.), 51st Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 186-203). Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.

Goodman, Y., & Martens, P. (Eds.). (2007). Critical lessons in early literacy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. (early years)

Halliday, M. (1975/2004).  Learning how to mean: Explorations in the development of language. London: Edward Arnold. Also in J. Webster (Ed.), The language of early childhood (pp. 28-59). New York: Continuum.

Halliday, M. (1979/2004). Three aspects of children’s language development: Learning language, learning through language, learning about language. In Y. Goodman, M. Hausser, & D. Strickland (Eds.), Oral and Written Language Development: Impact on Schools. Proceedings from the 1979 and 1980 IMPACT Conferences, Urbana, IL: International Reading Association and National Council of Teachers of English. Also in J. Webster (Ed.), The language of early childhood (pp.308-326). New York: Continuum.

Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Liwanag, M. P. S. U. (2006). Affect in secondary students' reading as revealed by their emotional responses in retrospective miscue analysis (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3215370)

Marek, A. (1987). Retrospective miscue analysis as an instructional strategy with adult readers (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 8803262) (secondary and adult readers)

Martens, P. (1997). But I already know how to read. Portsmouth: Heinemann.

Martens, P. (1997). What miscue analysis reveals about word recognition and repeated reading: A view through the "miscue window". Language Arts, 74(8), 600-609.

Martens, P., Arya, P., Wilson, P., & Jin, L. (2007). Text structures, readings, and retellings: An exploration of two texts. Literacy Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 49-64.

Martens, P., Wilson, P., & Arya, P. (2007). Influences on retellings: Learning from high and low retellers. In Y. Goodman & P. Martens (Eds.), Critical issues in early literacy development: Research and pedagogy (pp. 139-151).  Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Meek, M. (1988). How texts teach what readers learn. Stroud, Great Britain: The Thimble Press.

Menosky, D. (1971). A psycholinguistic description of oral reading miscues generated during the reading of varying portions of text by selected readers from grades two, four, six, and eight (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 7214600 )

Nelson, R., Damico, J., & Smith, S. (2008). Applying eye movement miscue analysis to the reading patterns of children with language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 22(4-5), 293-303.

Paulson, E. (2002). Are oral reading word omissions and substitutions caused by careless eye movements? Reading Psychology, 23(1), pp 45-66.

Paulson, E. & Freeman, A. (2003). Insight from the eyes: The science of effective reading instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Raisner, B. (1977). Reading strategies employed by non-proficient adult college students as observed through miscue analysis retrospection (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 7801410) (secondary and adult readers)

Rosenblatt, L. (1978). The reader, the text, and the poem. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.

Rosenblatt, L. (1995). Literature as exploration. New York: Modern Language Association of America.

Ruiz, R. (1988). Orientations in language planning. In S. McKay, & S. Wang (Eds.), Language diversity (pp. 3-25). New York: Newbury House Publishers.

Siegel, M. (1991). Reading as signification. London, England: Falmer Press.

Smith, F. (1988). Joining the literacy club: Further essays into education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Smith, F. (1995). What the brain does well. Between hope and havoc: Essays into human learning and education (pp. 1-13). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Smith, F. (2004). Understanding reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Strauss, S. (2005). The linguistics, neurology, and politics of phonics: Silent “E” speaks out. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Taylor, D. (1991). Learning denied. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Taylor, D. (1993). From the child's point of view. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Weaver, C. (2009). Reading process and practice. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Whitmore, K., Martens, P., Goodman, Y., & Owocki, G. (2005). Remembering critical lessons in early literacy research: A transactional perspective. Language Arts, 82(4), 296-307. (early years)

Wilde, S. (Ed.). (1996). Making a difference: Selected writings of Dorothy Watson. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Wilde, S. (Ed.). (1996). Notes from a kidwatcher: Selected writings of Yetta M. Goodman. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Wilde, S. (1997). What's a schwa sound anyway? A holistic guide to phonetics, phonics, and spelling. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Wilson, P., Martens, P., & Arya, P. (2005). Accountability for reading and readers: What the numbers don’t tell. Reading Teacher, 58(7), 622-631.

Wilson, P., Martens, P., Arya, P., & Jin, L. (2007). The anatomy of retelling scores: What these scores do (and don’t) reveal about readers’ understandings of texts. In D. Rowe, R. Jimenez, D. Compton, D. Dickinson, Y. Kim, K. Leander, V. Risko (Eds.), 56st Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 362-376). Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.


Literacy Pedagogy and Curriculum & Instruction

Baskwill, J. (2009). Getting dads on board: Fostering literacy partnerships for successful student learning. Markham, Ont: Pembroke Publishers.

Baskwill, J. (2013). Attention-grabbing tools: For involving parents in their children's learning. Markham, Ont: Pembroke.

Bixby, M., Gilles, C., & Crowley, P. (1988). Whole Language Strategies for Secondary Students. Katonah: Richard C. Owen Publishers. (secondary/ adult readers)  OUT OF PRINT

Brown, J., Kim, K., & Ramirez, K. (2012). What a teacher hears, what a reader sees: Eye movements from a phonics taught second grader. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 12(2), 202-222. (early years)

Brummit, B., & Maras, L. (1995). Liberated by miscues: Students and teachers discovering the reading process. Primary Voices, 3(4), 23-31. Retrieved from

Crowell, C. (1995). Documenting the strengths of bilingual readers. Primary Voices, 3(4), 32-38. Retrieved from   (second language)

Goodman, D. (1999). The reading detective club: Solving the mysteries of reading / A teacher’s guide. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Goodman, Y. (1982). Retellings of literature and the comprehension process. Theory into Practice, 21(4), 300-307.

Goodman, Y., Flurkey, A., & Goodman, D. (2007). Effective young beginning readers. In Y. Goodman & P. Martens (Eds.), Critical issues in early literacy: Research and pedagogy (pp. 3-16). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (early years)

Goodman, Y., & Goodman, W. (2011/2014). Eager young readers, a well-constructed text and an insightful teacher. The NERA Journal, 46(2), 9-16. Also in K. Goodman, & Y. Goodman. (Eds.), Making sense of learners making sense of written language: The selected works of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman (pp. 222-234). New York, NY: Routledge. (early years)

Goodman, Y., & National Council of Teachers of English. (2003). Valuing language study: Inquiry into language for elementary and middle schools. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Goodman, Y., Watson, D., & Burke, C. (1996). Reading strategies: Focus on comprehension. Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers. (elementary)

Henry, J. (1995). If not now: Developmental readers in the college classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. (secondary and adult readers)

Hood, W. (1995). I do teach and the kids do learn. Primary Voices, 3(4), 16-22. Retrieved from  (early years)

Kim, K., Chin, C., & Goodman, Y. (2004). Revaluing the reading process of adult ESL/EFL learners through critical dialogues. [Issues on Literacy Processes]. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 6, 42-57.

Kim, K., & Goodman, Y. (2011). Teaching strategies that revalue ELL readers: Retrospective miscue analysis. In R. Meyer & K. Whitmore (Eds.), Reclaiming reading: Teachers, students, and researchers regaining spaces for thinking and action (pp. 99-110). New York, NY: Routledge.

Laminack, L., Ray, K., & National Council of Teachers of English. (1996). Spelling in use: Looking closely at spelling in whole language classrooms. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Lazar, J., & Vogel, C. (2010). Now I get it!: Teaching struggling readers to make sense of what they read. New York: Scholastic.

Lee, S. (2000). Examining the beliefs, attitudes, and reading strategies of secondary ESL students using retrospective miscue analysis (Ed. D. thesis). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No.9998496)

Martens, P., & Doyle, M. (2011). Revaluing readers and reading: Lessons from the “Mighty Readers”. In R. Meyer & K. Whitmore (Eds.), Reclaiming reading: Teachers, students, and researchers regaining spaces for thinking and action (pp. 47-60). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/ Routledge.

Meyer, R., & Whitmore, K. (Eds.). (2011). Reclaiming reading: Teachers, students, and researchers regaining spaces for thinking and action. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/ Routledge.

Meyer, R., & Whitmore, K. (Eds.). (2014). Reclaiming writing: Composing spaces for identities, relationships, and action. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/ Routledge.

Mooney, M. (2001). Text forms and features: A resource for intentional teaching. Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Mooney, M. (2004). A book is a present: Selecting text for intentional teaching. Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.

Owocki, G., & Goodman, Y. (2002). Kidwatching: Documenting children's literacy development. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. (early years)

Paulson, E., & Mason-Egan, P. (2007). Retrospective miscue analysis for struggling postsecondary readers. Journal of Developmental Education, 31(2), 2-13. (secondary and adult readers)

Short, K., & Pierce, K. (1990). Talking about books: Creating literate communities. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Weaver, C., & National Council of Teachers of English. (1998). Practicing what we know: Informed reading instruction. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Whitin, P. (1996). Sketching stories, stretching minds: Responding visually to literature. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Whitmore, K., & Crowell, C. (1994). Inventing a classroom: Life in a bilingual, whole language learning community. York, Me: Stenhouse Publishers.

Wurr, A., Theurer, J., & Kim, K. (2008). Retrospective miscue analysis with proficient adult ESL readers. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 52 (4), 324-333. (secondary and adult)